What's that you say? Another blogger blogging about having a blog?!

Well yes, apparently that seems to be the case.  Except I’m not sure I would call myself a blogger just yet, the imposter syndrome I am feeling is in full force as I venture to make this post public with everybody.  Who knew I’ve been bustling away behind the scenes, writing blog posts and not even telling anyone about it?!

So here we are then, another interiors blog to add to the already over-saturated market of interiors content online.  Man am I aware of that!  I must confess though, in all my time scrolling on the interweb or scouring social media, I haven’t quite come across another interiors blog that totally gets ‘me’ or our situation, so I thought I’d start one!

If you’ve arrived here from my Instagram, you will probably be well aware we are trying to sell our house.  I must confess, we had no idea it would take this long and even our ‘worst possible outcome’ was that we’d have moved somewhere bigger by Christmas 2017 which is not looking likely whatsoever.  Now that, my friends, is a whole other story of which I’ll love to tell you one day when I can report a happy ending, but, I did originally set up this blog to document our new house, our new project, the transformation of our ‘forever home’.

I hope and pray, that one day soon, I will be doing that, sat at my desk in my new office, smugly tapping away at my keyboard, full of energy and beans because the girls FINALLY HAVE THEIR OWN ROOMS AND DON’T WAKE EACH OTHER UP EVERY NIGHT!  (I am well aware all my ‘energy and beans’ will probably then be spent on sanding a staircase, rolling a ceiling, or knocking down a wall but please do let me indulge in a future where I am not tired for one moment.)

In the meantime however, we remain living in our beloved first home which is pretty much finished and if I suggested suddenly wallpapering the fireplace in Woodchip and Magnolias’ amazing Monstera Wallpaper or painting a mountainous mural across the girls bedroom, I think my husband (and estate agent) might flip the heck out.  My creative itch still needs to be scratched though so I’m doing just that but through the form of writing and (very amateur) photography and anything else that requires me to use the right side of my brain a little bit and provide me with an outlet that is ‘me’ and not only ‘mum’.

I aim to be honest about our finances, our lack of time and diy struggles and hope that this can become a place that inspires rather than demoralises.  I want you to feel like you can do it too.  These are all rather lofty ambitions but by putting it out there into the universe, one sort of has to try and follow through with it, you know?

As a young teenager I spent my summers filling scrap books with clippings of furniture I liked out of the Argos catalogue (I had limited resources you guys), and then later on that zest for documenting and curating developed into colour and pattern inspiration from Vogue, house tours from the Times Magazine (my parents daily read) mixed in with storage solutions from Ikea or free wallpaper samples from Farrow and Ball.  I even did a ‘makeover’ of my bedroom and emailed the dark grainy pictures I took on my old digital camera to the aforementioned Time Magazine because I was just sure they would want to do a feature on it!

Whilst the strength of my protestation against my husband attempting to bring in a whole range of battered Argos furniture into our first marital home may prove that my tastes have moved on from my teenager days, I do hope this blog can just be an extension of what I started doing all those years ago.

Right now our lives are fun, messy, and never perfect, with a side order of sleep deprivation to add to the chaos of renovating a home.  This may be the only blog that refers to jobs taking ‘three baby naps’ as a timescale reference and matches the potty with the woodwork.  Just because you’re catering to what can sometimes feel like tiny dictators in your midst, it doesn’t mean that style and aesthetics have to be thrown out the window alongside the sexy underwear, 10am lie ins and any CD in the car that doesn’t sound like a mouse being strangled whilst it belts out it’s own rendition of Wind the Bobbin Up.

So for now, until we find our next project, I’ll be documenting what we’ve been doing in our home over the last year, the successes and the failures, realistic family friendly style on an even more realistic budget, as well as the odd thoughts on motherhood when those hormones get me feeling all totes emosh.  I hope you enjoy following along and please do leave me a comment to say hi!!


*DISCLAIMER*  I have nothing against furniture from Argos on the whole, it just so happens the ‘wooden’ pieces my husband bought were blander than Theresa May at a literary convention.


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